My personal Advisor helps me when I can’t see whats going on.

My Personal Advisor

Diary of a Single Mamacita

Desperate times calls for desperate measures! I always call my girl Paulina when I need to know what is going to happen. Sometimes I want to be up on my game.  And I don’t like wasting time with these guys.  She is very straight up.  But she gets to the core of the problems, like don’t call her and ask when is love coming into your life.  i mean, even if you do ask her that question she going to tell you why love isn’t in your life.  I like how she reads.  And she gives you some real crazy details almost like she is right there with you.  Like she told me exactly what this guy was going to tell me in a conversation and i was like OMG!

She doesn’t only give you the good  news she gives you the bad news too.  And shes fast once she…

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My personal Advisor helps me when I can’t see whats going on.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures! I always call my girl Paulina when I need to know what is going to happen. Sometimes I want to be up on my game.  And I don’t like wasting time with these guys.  She is very straight up.  But she gets to the core of the problems, like don’t call her and ask when is love coming into your life.  i mean, even if you do ask her that question she going to tell you why love isn’t in your life.  I like how she reads.  And she gives you some real crazy details almost like she is right there with you.  Like she told me exactly what this guy was going to tell me in a conversation and i was like OMG!

She doesn’t only give you the good  news she gives you the bad news too.  And shes fast once she gets her messages but dont interrupt her when she is focusing.  I like how she tells you where you are blocked.  She once asked me if I was having back problems and I told her yea I was then she asked me if I was worried about taking care of my family because I didn’t have money coming in and I was like yea! She doesn’t read the way other readers do But I had to give her a shout out because I know some of you wish you had the heads up on your situation. She told me I needed to leave my job and focus on my hobbies and that would bring me opportunies and money.  She wasn’t lyin! She good she knows what shes talking about and she is always there when I need her. Like I said I know some of you need guidance and need someone to give you the heads up call Paulina!

Unavailable Men

I believe that when my life is done I am going to be blessed as the Patron Saint of Married /unavailable Men”. I give up. This dating thing is too much work for me. I had 2 data lined up this week and within a matter of hours I’m down to zero. The first date I really wasn’t interested. I didn’t even want to call him to cancel. He seemed like he didn’t know where to take me anyway. And when they act like that I loose interest. The 2nd meet up is not happening. I don’t want to waste my time with someone who is already taken.

I wonder which side is better to be on. Is it better to be the “woman” or the “other woman”? A friend once told me she would rather be the other woman. She said when she was she benefitted better then she did in her current relationship. She said she didn’t like that her fiancé worked so many hours. She found herself doing things alone as if she was single. I asked her why did she stay with him and she couldn’t answer me. I believe that she had someone on the side. She was doing something.

So is this what is out there. Is this all we have available in the dating world, a bunch of unavailable men. Do I have to settle for this and hope that the relationship last. I’m tired of being single. And I’m sorry but I need to be with someone cute. If I’m not attracted to you then I’m not dating you. Yes I am shallow and that is probable the reason why I am still single.

So today, I as leaving my home to pick up my daughter when I saw a cop car turn up on my street. The car stopped and a man approached it. I’m guessing he called them. I was wondering if it was my little man who likes to text because then later I got a text from him. I never returned his call before I left for vacation. So to entertain myself I responded. And we exchanged texts. Ah yay yay here we go!

So what is Single Mamacita to do? Take all these unavailable men and turn them bad? Well they askin for it!

Where are all the single men? TAKEN too!

Uggg! I am so done with dating.  This is bullsh&t. Okay, so I have been friends with this guys on Facebook who claims he remember me from back in the day when I used to go clubbing. Noooo, he’s not a stalker.  We have a lot of common friends. Real friends.  So a couple weeks ago he emailed me and we began a conversation.  Then he asked if I wanted to go out on a date.  Wow! they actually do exist, the “date-askers”.  I don’t know why but I agreed.  I’m not really into him but I figured I have not been out on a date and I’m sooo tired of being single so I said that I would hit him up when I got back from vacation.

I get back from vacation, recharged.  I know I have to call this person because I don’t want him to know how shallow I am, which I am. So while In was procrastinating on calling, I just started an instagram and was poking through it when I found the part where you can see if the contacts on your phone have instagram and long and behold I find “Marathon” man.  And hmm hmm  hmm does he look good in his picture.  So now I’m thinking whatever happened to “Marathon” man.  He was cute. I met him at a marathon.  He was with all his friends.  We exchanged numbers and were talking like everyday but then he kinds got all weird on me like I didn’t hear from him for 2 days in a row which I really don’t care about when I start talking to somebody and he though because I didn’t respond to him quick that I was mad.  And then I stopped talking to him.     

So, being all confident and recharged, I decide to send him a text and see whats up.  He gets back to me.  For the last 2 days we been talkin. So I told him I was going to be in his area if he wanted to meet up.  He said yes.  Then he asked me if I have instagram.  I know he knows I have oe because if he found that part where you can see if our contacts have it he could see my picture. So we exchanged names and are now following each other.  So I’m checkin out his pics …and he looks good and I’m getting all excited that Ima see him this week. And then, I knew it was too good to be true.  There is was, a picture of him and his family…meaning his baby mama and 2 kids. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Man did that spoil my happy moment.  And he just posted the pic a few weeks ago so I know he still with her.  

So that explains why I never heard from him.  Why why why does this happen to me.  Do I have a magnet for attracting married for people in relationshps because that is all I have been attracting.  Now I dont’ want to see him and I don’t want to go out with the other guy either.  No I’m not giving the other guy a chance because I also noticed that in our conversation everything I said I didn’t like he said later in the conversation.  Im not impressed. Get your own ideas! 

I am done! I am so tired of meeting all the wrong people and I’m not even really looking.  I texted little marathon man (and yes he is little) to see what was up.  I was thikninh that maybe I was acting like I wasnt interested and thats why I didnt hear from him anymore.  And then I thought I know hes short but let me stop being shallow and work on that.  And still I get nothing.

Oh and when I got back from vacation, I had an actual voice message from little cop.  I guess he though my text wasn’t working.  And I didn’t hear from the other guy.  The liar who probably has a wifey at home.  I found his ass on instagram and he can’t spell…lol wow.  

So here I go again on my own! (oh don’t that sound like an 80’s song)

On the Hunt For Some Luvin!

Mamacita is on vacation in Mexico on the hint for some love. Do you think I’m going to find it here? Maybe not. I’m very shallow and need a tall man and you know what they say about Mexicans. They’re very nice here though. I love it here. Do I really need to come back. My kids really don’t need me. They don’t appreciate me. I asked my son to doe one sole little favor that I never ask him to do and be doesn’t come through . I so sick of his dad interfering . But I’m in Mexico and I’m having fund old many not guys here but they look like they taken. An yah yah! Why they all got to be take. Anyways report back as soon as I find a victim. Single mamacita it’s got to have some fun!

Free P@ssy Anyone!

I bet that if offered it …these mofo’s would be coming….in more ways that one! I don’t need another friend.  I have all the friends I need. Either sh*t or get off the pot ! So he is working out at midnight…I wonder how he would feel if I just showed up…I mean…I’m not a stalker but every once in a while I like to be spontaneous…and I kinda feel like he might be feeling the way I do.  not wanting to make a move forward because in past relationships it just has never worked out and people are shallow.  I’m so tempted to see if he is working out at the gym but that is only because I have had a couple of glasses of vino and I am feeling good.

I’m mad tho because when I texted him this afternoon to see how he was doing it took him 6 hours to get back to me but I’m wondering if he was sleeping since he works out late.  I didn’t respond to his text. Lets see what happens. Ohhhh i want to go see if he is working out…so bad…I just want to see the look on his face but really what does it matter…I might make his head big because I buckled and gave in and went to the gym…Forget it…I’m not chasing anyone but then again I never chase anyone and this is why Im single…not that I want to chase someone…I’m not a stalker but he did say that I could find him at the gym at midnight  …but if I go what does that mean to him…that I gavein to him and he won…but is this a contest…I didn’t know it was…maybe I am the only one who thinks that…wth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I’m tired…not going…I just wish relationships were not this hard…I’m just going to tell him that this is not working out for me because I want romance not a friend and why do I have to wait to get to know someoje I have already known for 3 years…granite I only started talking to him like this a year ago but its been a year bit we only talked for 2 months and then he disappeared for 6 months and reached out to me  a couple months ago.  This is b.s. Why does it have to be complicated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The “Rerun” is Back!

I woke up this morning and decided to text “Rerun” because, i never initiate so i figured I would practice with him. He texted me back “good morning”.  We exchanged a few texts and then I went about my day.  I had to go visit my sister’s father today who is in Hospice.  But i was bothered to do this because the only time my mother comes into town is to do anything for my sister.  So I sent him a text about this visit and how it was nagging me.

 He actually picked up the phone and said that this was a conversation not meant for text. He shared a story with me about his family.  I saw a different person in him. I saw a vulnerable man. I just wish I knew why he does not ask to see me.  But I did ask him why I had not heard from him in a couple weeks and he said that he though I was seeing someone.  So I told him that I pulled away and stopped texting him because I thought he was involved.  He said that there was no reason for him to lie about that and that if he was seeing someone he would not be talking to me.  I still don’t understand him.  What is going on.  he can’t say it’s work because he told me he is not working right now due to an injury.    

Maybe I need to just ignore his text.  Or maybe I need to learn how to establish a friendship but this is taking too long.  And I don’t need anymore friends,,,I want a relationship. I think he is waiting to see if I buckle and invite him over but I did that in past relationships and it didn’t work out for me when I took that route.  

Wait a minute! Something just occurred to me…why would he think I was seeing someone of he was not.  Maybe he is and doesn’t want to say because he is a good liar.  I just know that I was always told “wild horses do not keep a man away” POINT BLANK!!!!!

So I guess this will stay this way.  If things cannot move to another level then whats the point.  I always have people from my past call me..Rarely is there ever someone new that comes in.  But then again I don’t really put myself out there to meet anyone new.  I mean, I do go out but I don’t go out to look for someone.  I believe in love at first sight.  


The Laws of Attracting a Rerun

I do not understand why the only men I attract are people from my past.  Nothing ever happened, although I’m wishing it did with this Papi.   But it didn’t because, I expect to get courted.  And if a guy cannot court me and then ask me out on a date then I’m not wasting my time.  I am not asking for much.  All I ask is to be respected.  And if you are interested then ask me out on a date, dayum!

So I have known this “Chocolate Puddin Papi Lindo” for a couple years now.  I was attracted to him from the moment I laid eyes on him and I know he was attracted to me too.  I saw him take a double look when he saw me. I had on a tight black strapless dress with some high heeled snake print black stilettos.  My hair was out and straight, no curls on this day. I wanted to look conservative but sexy.

So it has only been a mild flirtation for the last couple years. Until last summer, I had not seen him for a while and then we bumped into each other.  When he saw me walk in the door he took a double look and then walked out the door, to get a breath of air, I imagine.  Yes, I nearly took, his breath away. But what he didn’t know is that he took my breath away too.  He always looking sharp.   I mean, this Chocolate Puddin Papi Lindo is 6’4 and all muscle and he has this milk chocolate skin that I bet tasted as sweet as butter.  He is sooo delicious looking.  Uggg, why did I not take advantage of him! Oh, yea, that’s right , I have standards! 

Anyway, after that day I hadn’t seen him for 3 weeks and then he confessed he had a mad crush on me but I just think that was a line he used.  I think he is one of those guys who likes to admire women from afar.  It’s like a fetish of his or something.  The other reason is he probably has someone already and doesn’t want to say to see if he can have something on the side with me.  Which is probably what he is used to from all the other hoochies he meets.  But I am not like them.  I expect a  man to work to get me. Of course I’ll make it worth his time. But rules are rules and I didn’t make this up.  Anyway, this papi is very hot!

So since then we have texted on and off.  Here we go again with the texting but not all the time.  He actually knows how to pick up the phone and call somebody.  We lost communication for 6 months. I don’t know what happened. It just stopped.  I didn’t call him and he stopped calling me. I guess it was too much work to text me.

We started textin me a couple months ago. I responded. I wasn’t going to be mean. He said he could not stop thinking about me and was interested in getting to know me. So he said he was away on vacation and would be available to me when he got back.  So we set a day to meet.  But I was expecting him to plan it out.  Then he ask me where we were meeting. OK, now I see what is going on.  Papi Lindo thinks that if I suggest the meeting location, he does not have to spend money on a date.  But I wanted to see if this was the case. So I told him to plan it and call me with a location to meet. He calls me 10 min. later to tell me his grandfather died and he just got notified of it so he needed to take a rain check.  Wow, seriously, you’re going to use that excuse.  Ok, so I put too much pressure on him.  I told him ok.  He called me later that night and thanked me for being understanding. The only problem is, he never set another date that night. So that’s how I knew he was not interested. The calls started to fade and i did not make an attempt to reach out to him.

A couple weeks go by, no text, until today.  When he text me its always to tell me he is thinking about me and he wants me to know this.  So, I asked him why does he think about me and he poetically reveals how beautiful and intelligent I am which in his perspective is a rare combo.  So, I’m thinking, ok, then why have you not made any attempt to see me.  So I ask him if he was seeing someone or if I did not show enough interested because I am aware that sometimes guys pull back because of this reason. And he went around the question.  

He goes on to explain that in the past he was shallow and how he used to date beautiful women but no intelligence so he got bored. Then he said that he thought money and a chic was enough bit it wasn’t. So now he just wants things to be simple, like he would appreciate just sitting on the steps and talking with me. He finds that so sexy.  Really!?  So, basically what he is saying to me is that he wasted time and money on some skank, so they ruined it for a nice girl like me. Which basically is my feelings exactly because I have dated and invited guys over to my place and cooked for them and it got me nowhere because they get used to that and then didn’t want to take me out or give me a commitment.

So now what…we wait for the other to make a move. He said something about doing things in the right timing.  Seriously, some of the excuses I hear!

I do not understand why guys bother to call.  I guess he wants me to invite him over to sit on my stoop…whats wrong with his stoop!? Probably he don’t want the Mrs. to see me on his stoop, right!? 

Stalker or Delusional?

Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with people.  So the “No-Calling-Texting” Dude is back.  Seriously! I have no idea what his problem is.  He texted me the other day and asked what I was doing.  So, out of boredom I responded and said I was on my way too NYC.  Then he asked why didn’t I invite him.  I love when they ask such stupid questions like that when they are the reasons why we haven’t even gone out on a date. All he kept saying before was that he wanted to take me out, that we need to hang but would never set a date or time.  So, I’m assuming he is with somebody right!

I asked him what he was up to and he says he was going to a pool party.  So I told him have fun.  Then he says that he would have fun if I was with him.  Now, the last time we spoke I told him to let me know when he was free.  He’s gonna go say that he didn’t get that text, his phone messes up sometimes.  He must think I’m lying when I tell him my text mess up on my phone.  I understand, he’s a liar so he thinks I’m a liar.

What is the point of staying in communication with somebody if you not taking them out.  He ain’t getting nothing from me.  Or does he think we actually got a relationship (over text) because I text him back.   Let me see what he says when I tell him that I know he with somebody and I am the girl who will call her and let her know her man is cheating.  I did it before i’ll  do it again!